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Setup Guide


OfficialEye requires Python 3.10+ to be installed. It works on multiple platforms including Linux, Windows and macOS.


The project can be run on older Python versions. However, there will be neither support for them nor a guarantee that all features work.

Installation for usage

Start by installing PIPX (if you haven't installed it already).

brew install pipx
pipx ensurepath
sudo apt install pipx
pipx ensurepath
scoop install pipx
pipx ensurepath

Next, use pipx to install OfficialEye.

pipx install officialeye

Installation via PIP

The tool can also be installed with the standard pip installation command:

pip install officialeye --break-system-packages


The above command installs the package globally, which is not recommended due to possible conflicts between OS package managers and python-specific package management tools (see PEP 668).

Installation for development

To set up the development environment on a Linux (prefferably Ubuntu) computer, start by cloning the GitHub repository and navigating to the projects' root directory:

git clone && cd OfficialEye

Next, install the PDM package manager:

curl -sSL | python3 -


PDM will not work without the python3-venv package. Make sure to have curl and python3-venv installed before running the above command.

Next, initialize a new venv environment via

pdm venv create
and enter it by running
source .venv/bin/activate

At this point, a prefix of the form (officialeye-x.xx) should appear in the terminal. To complete the setup, run the following commands to install the dependencies and the officialeye package in editable mode.

pdm install


The tool should now be available via the officialeye command. Note that if you leave the virtual environment, the officialeye command will no longer be available. Therefore, it is important to not forget to reenter venv via the

source .venv/bin/activate

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